Monday, June 25, 2012

BPA with Freedom & Simplicity Poetry Study

Anyone familiar with the Biblical Principle Approach (BPA) method understands, it's easy to make a mountain out of a mole hill. But once the transition and understanding of BPA starts to take place, it can be very rewarding . And being a Christian, it resonates with me to offer my children an education that is fully Christ Centered.

BPA's method is based on applying Biblical Principles and the 4 R's to all areas of study:

As stated before, in the beginning, it can be a little overwhelming in figuring out how to implement BPA to all subjects. That's why it's always encouraged to start with one subject and slowly integrate it to all others. History and/or Language Arts seems to be the two easiest subjects to use as a starting point. And it's always welcomed, when someone with experience in BPA has something to offer in making it more friendly and enjoyable.
With preparing for next year's learning and finding areas of improvement, it was great timing that I was given the opportunity to receive a copy and give a review of Lisa Hodgen's new study guide **Freedom & Simplicity™ Poetry Study**. In an e-mail she states , "In this guide I show you how to find Freedom & Simplicity™ in quick and painless daily activities".
Lisa shows how to implement BPA to the study of Poetry in a natural and "simple" way. It's not forced with memorizing the mechanics or mundane with the use of worksheets. She lays out how to do a weekly study in 5 steps with book suggestions and how to integrate poetry with the study of history. Then gives more ideas, important vocabulary, additional resource suggestions, and follows up with Biblical foundations giving more depth and making the study of poetry more meaningful.
This is not a large, over burdensome guide. It's simple and to the point, which I like. When teaching 3 children and running after an additional 2, fluff is not something I need.
I have been (at a snails pace) learning BPA for a couple years, now. After going through **Freedom & Simplicity™ Poetry Study**, I came away rethinking the importance of poetry. I was also encouraged and left with a sense that not only teaching Poetry the BPA way doable- but, has the potential to be very enjoyable for any homeschool.

You can purchase Lisa's **Freedom & Simplicity™ Poetry Study** and more of her BPA products at her website Me and My House.

Thank you Lisa for the new insight and this opportunity to review your new guide.

God Bless & Enjoy the Ride,

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