Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Homeschool Bus "Book Spotlight"...

The book in the spotlight this month for our family is "Blockhead: The Life Story of Fibonacci" by Joseph D'Agnese.

I checked out this book from our local library.  It was recommended by another from a yahoogroup  Living Math Forum. Living Math, also, has it's own website, owned by Julie Brennan, with many helpful resources.  I highly recommend it to homeschoolers and people who are good or not so good at math.  They are a great support system for those who are interested or have questions regarding math and math curriculums.

Back to the book.  My children (8-1yr olds) and I really enjoyed this book. It's a brief biography of Fibonacci (the man responsible for the use our number system today) from his childhood years to adulthood.  It tells about his fascination with numbers and how people misunderstood his ability to think outside of the box-hence, being called "blockhead".  It contains humor and charming pictures that my children loved with the history and math that I wanted to introduce to them.  It is just long enough to keep the attention of a 3 year old-though geared for 6 and up. 

I highly recommend this book for any Read-a-Loud or individual reading for a child who is capable of reading on a 3rd grade level and up.

And remember to enjoy the ride!

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